Could Have, Should Have, Would Have

I cry for all that we could have been

Would have been

Should have been

And all that we aren’t.

I mourn the thousands of kisses

The countless breaths

And the infinite beats of our hearts

That will no longer be.

I yearn for the homes we would make

The trips we would take

The hours we would waste

The dreams we would chase.

I hurt for all that we won’t be

Can’t be

Don’t want to be

And all that I thought we were.

I miss the me I was with you

The me I learnt from you

The me I was before I loved you

And the heart that was once whole.

I remember everything we did do

Lived through

Laughed to

And most of all I remember how I loved you

And still do

Don’t want to

But can’t seem not to.


A Simple Question


Waves Of You