I Am An Ocean

I am an ocean.

You can look at me and glimpse just the surface

but know that I am as deep and as vast as you are willing to go.

Look in a little further and you’ll see there is more to me.

But to experience me

to know me for all that I am

the darkness

the cool calmness

to share all my secrets

to hear all the stories I carry with me

you have to jump in.

Not dip your toe.

Not ‘test me out’.

You need to submerge yourself in my enormity

allow yourself to be carried by my strength.

Move with me

Bathe in me

Feel the life in me.

I am an ocean.

You can look at me and glimpse just the surface

but know that I am as wise and as powerful as you are willing to bear.


My Kind Of Strong


Your Greatest Gift